
Deworming cats regularly helps ensure their health and prevents the spread of parasites.

Most kittens are born with parasites and continue to be exposed to parasites as they grow. Many environmental factors can expose them to worms, such as fleas, rodents, feces from other cats, etc. Deworming does not prevent infection but instead purges the system of any worms currently infecting your cat. It is therefore important to deworm your cat regularly to ensure we are keeping your cat safe and parasite free. If you are concerned that your cat may have worms, please contact us, and we can discuss your deworming options.

What are some types of parasites found in cats?

Internal parasites include roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms.

If my cat has worms, what symptoms should I look for?

Often, internal parasitic infections don’t show any clinical signs. If there are many worms present, your cat may experience segments in the stool, weight loss, diarrhea, or vomiting.

Are worms dangerous to humans?

Some types of hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms can be transmitted to humans. People with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infection. It includes children, seniors, and people who are on immunosuppressive medications.

What is the deworming schedule?

The schedule for deworming depends on the lifestyle of your cat, and the risk for people that are in contact with your cat. Deworming one a year is the recommended minimum. Some cats who are avid hunters should be dewormed at least 3-4 times a year.

Are there any side effects from deworming medication?

Deworming medications should always be given with food as they can sometimes be hard on the stomach. You might also see segments of worms in the cat’s stool for a few days after the treatment has been given.

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